Decent Divorce

Negotiated Settlements









Even a piece of paper has two sides.


What is Decent Divorce?

Decent Divorce is a series of mediated conversations which guide low-conflict couples through the process of divorce in an efficient and cost-effective manner. It provides a safe, supportive and confidential environment which reduces stress and minimizes disruption to longstanding relationships. Decent Divorce puts you in control of the schedule, pace, and final outcome as you address the many details involved in separating one household into two.

In court, spouses are adversaries. Winners and losers are determined by third parties who know little about the history you share. Decent Divorce allows you greater latitude in crafting your agreements based on your individual situation. You do not give away any legal rights when you choose to mediate your divorce; you may consult with attorneys or other professionals at any point during the process, and you are free to pursue other options if settlement proves elusive.

What About Children?

Mediation is of special value when children are involved. It limits the negative effects of a challenging situation and offers parents the opportunity to model effective communication and problem-solving.

What Does Decent Divorce Look Like?

The average divorce involves three to five sessions, spaced a couple of weeks apart, with each two-hour meeting addressing a different element of the divorce. Both the schedule and the content of these sessions can be tailored to fit your individual needs.

Don’t We Need Attorneys?

A successful divorce proceeding dissolves the legal contract of marriage and requires interface with the court.  Attorneys, legal document assistants, coparenting specialists and family therapists are available to provide insight into the process, present relevant information and answer the many questions which come up. The confidential nature of mediation means that opinions or concessions expressed in session are not admissible in court unless everyone agrees, in writing, to allow them.

Divorce involves filing a series of documents with the court according to very particular protocols. If you elect to take responsibility for these, there is help available online and at the Watsonville courthouse. We recommend retaining the services of a legal document specialist who will manage the paperwork for a flat fee. Choosing someone familiar with mediated divorce streamlines the process further.

Then What?

The settlements you and your partner reach will be memorialized in an informal agreement which will serve as the basis for the Marital Settlement Agreement you submit to the court to finalize the terms of your divorce.

It’s important to note that in a mediated divorce, lack of final agreement does not necessarily imply failure. People may feel they need more time to make peace with what is happening, or may choose to wait until changing circumstances – the sale of a house, for instance, or a new job – have settled.

Interested in learning more about Decent Divorce?

You can reach us by phone at 831-247-1695