The Conflict Resolution Center of Santa Cruz County provides a range of mediation services including community, parent-teen, workplace, small claims and victim-offender dialogue. CRC also provides training for those who want to support peacemaking activities in their own community. They can be reached at (831) 475-6117.
In Monterey County, contact the Mandell Gisnet Center for Dispute Resolution at the Monterey College of Law at (831) 582-5234.
Low-income couples seeking help with an uncontested divorce can call the FAM (Family-law Affordable Mediation) intake line at (831) 345-2891 or go to the FAM website for further information.
Among our Santa Cruz collaborative attorneys:
- Jed Friedland (831) 809-2577 <[email protected]>
- Allison Hardin ( 831) 459-6000 <[email protected]>
- Lesley Harris (831) 458-0502 <[email protected]>
- Anne Lober (831) 421-9493 <[email protected]>
- Wendy Morgan (831) 466-9239 <[email protected]>
in Monterey County:
- Jane Bednar (831) 375-6381 <[email protected]>
- Jed Friedland (831) 809-2577 <[email protected]>
The Self Help Center <> is a useful local resource.
Legal forms are available at A trained legal document assistant (LDA) can be very helpful in navigating divorce paperwork. We’ve had consistently good experience with Legal Document Services in downtown Santa Cruz. Contact Regina van Hoek at <> (831) 469-8470